It's a catastrophe! (or is it?)
When I am catastrophizing.. (definition: disaster, devastation, tragedy, the worst thing in the world!!) “It feels like the end of the...

Helping kids manage exam stress....(and helping you build better relationships too!)
At this time of year, anyone doing exams can begin to feel a little overwhelmed. Whether it is end of year exams, SATS, GCSES or A Levels...

Nature's role in feeling well
Did you know that walking in nature is a powerful anti-depressant? Not just because you get active but also because connecting in nature...

Choose life!
How many times have you heard someone say, "I have no choice" about any given situation? This is how can feel when life throws a curve...

New Year, New You?
So Christmas is over and we are now officially in 2017. The media reports memories from 2016; what was good, what was bad and what was...

Trampolining dogs in snow..
All these Christmas ads have got me thinking about what is important to me at this time of year. Don't get me wrong, I love a...

5 tips to helping children to manage anger
Young children can find it extremely difficult to manage and regulate their anger. Sometimes anger can feel like a terrifying and...

5 ways for feeling happier
5 ways to increase happiness Get active! Physical activity has been proven to be an extremely effective way of increasing mood, so...

Helping to manage anxiety
Helping to manage anxiety Anxiety is a normal human emotion; we all feel anxious sometimes and anxiety is an important emotion because...

Mind full or Mindful?
Life has been a bit crazy of late. Sometimes it can feel like there are not enough hours in the day to achieve all the things I feel that...